Hi, I would be very grateful for any help with the following problem which is affecting one of my websites that relies on ICE for CMS.
(1) By pressing Control+E I can access the page within ICE, create regions and insert text changes. On hitting the Save/Done/Publish buttons all seems to be well .... except that none of my changes take effect!
(2) If I then access ICE via its main login screen (ie: http://incontextediting.adobe.com/index.html ) the changes that I made above now seem to take effect!
I've repeated this sequence of steps [(1) and (2)] and the same results apply .... so I presume that Step (2) is not a coincidence in correcting the problem.
Is this a bug or is it due to an expected delay for 'Published' pages to actually appear on line? ....Or is ICE about to change over to a paid service (I hope not!) ? Incidentally I've applied a 'Refresh' during the above steps and it makes no odds.
Best wishes, Simon